Community engagement, education, and enrichment have been at the center of my academic and professional life. Marketing & advertising is the vessel through which I choose to study and help further the efforts of those whose work hosts conversations and actions to advance our society as a united community. 
I approach branding, advertising, and communications creative through the lenses of inclusion, respect, and uplifting unheard voices. I work to provide effective creative conception, art direction, and design work based on my experience as journalist, designer, and marketer. 
I express myself mostly through writing, drawing/sketching, graphic design, improv. I have a recognizable “idea” face that is usually followed by something harebrained, a bit awkward, but fun. I believe in the healing power of imagination, shea butter, and stories, that people are inherently good, magic exists, and that faeries have, quite simply, just gotten tired of putting up with us. 
You are welcome to leave any advice, tips&tricks on dealing with eldrich beings, or just a quick message! I'm always open to working with other creatives to fuse our brains into one for a special project
peace & best wishes,
- nathaniel -